Activities with Schools and Universities
In consideration of the growing importance of scientific dissemination activities promoted by Research Institutions and Universities as part of the "Third Mission", the Palermo Section of INGV is engaged in numerous and different local, national and international events (Esperienza InSegna – Palermo Scienza, ScienzAperta, Notte Europea dei Ricercatori, Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, ecc…).
The intent is to promote scientific culture, creating curiosity around the world of research with insights on scientific issues ranging from geochemistry to volcanology, from seismicity to
environmental issues, paying particular attention to the assessment and management of natural risks.
To achieve these objectives, the Palermo section has been equipped over the years with various dissemination tools. With the participation of researchers, technologists and technicians of the Institute, the research activities of the section are presented both nationally and internationally, in the context of scientific events and at local schools of various levels.
EDURISK has published books, brochures, DVDs to support the training project and dissemination of knowledge on seismic and volcanic risk downloadable from the site.
The relationships that the Palermo section has undertaken with the Universities are realized with collaborations signed through conventions and agreements for training projects: curricular internships, thesis projects and internships.