(Italiano) Bando di selezione n°1-2018 per il conferimento di n°2 assegni di ricerca di tipologia professionalizzante per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca – data di scadenza presentazione domande di partecipazione 24/01/2018

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Thursday, january 18, secon workshop “Underwater acoustics in Sicily”

Thursday, january 18, secon workshop “Underwater acoustics in Sicily”, organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Palermo and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, at the INGV Palermo, street Ugo La Malfa n.153.

Since the early 2000s, thanks to national, regional and European projects (NEMO, KM3NeT, EMSO-Medit and SMO), abyssal detectors equipped with acoustic, optical and environmental sensors have been installed for the study of particle astrophysics (KM3NeT project) and of the marine environment. The state-of-the-art technologies developed by INFN and its partners for the realization of the network and of the observatories have enabled the first long-term studies of the deep marine environment of the Ionian Sea with a variety of lines of research, and in particular on: Underwater acoustics, Marine Biology and Ecology and Oceanography.

Attività interdisciplinari marine

Applicazioni marine


Seminary – Architecture and dynamics of magmatic systems linked to basaltic volcanoes: the case of Piton de la Fournaise

Wednesday, january 10, 2018 at 10:30, at the INGV Palermo, street Ugo La Malfa n.153, the seminary “Architecture and dynamics of magmatic systems linked to basaltic volcanoes: the case of Piton de la Fournaise”.

This project is developed in close collaboration between the Volcanological Observatory of Piton de la Fournaise (OVPF-IPGP) and the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV-Palermo). They collaborate in the project: Guillaume Boudoire, Andrea Di muro, Marco Liuzzo, Andrea Luca Rizzo, Sergio Gurrieri, Fausto Grassa, Nicole Metrich, Vittorio Zanon.

Locandina Guillaume Boudoire