The laboratories of the INGV, section in Palermo, provide support to the research and monitoring activities, carried out as part of research and development projects, monitoring of volcanic and seismic areas, analytical and technological support to other INGV sections.
The laboratories are therefore an indispensable point of reference for the project activities and geochemical surveillance and for the basic searches within the INGV, supporting the activities in the field of geochemistry of fluids which the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia carries out primarily on five areas:
• Geochemistry of fluids in volcanic areas
• Geochemistry of fluids in seismic areas
• Geochemistry of fluids in terrestrial and marine environment
• Development of new instruments
• Development of new methodologies
Analytical Laboratories
The Analytical Laboratories of the Section, both chemical and isotopic, may be classified into the following general categories:
• Ion Chromatography (IC) laboratory
• Trace elements laboratory
• Gas chromatography laboratory
• Noble gas isotopes laboratory
• Stable isotope laboratory
• Laser ablation laboratory
Technology laboratories
The technology laboratories contribute to the achievement, the development, the maintenance and support of the laboratory and field instruments:
• Laboratory of Electronics
• Laboratory of Mechanics
• Informational Service Center.