(Italiano) 3⁰ Scientific Diving Summer School
3° Scientific Diving Summer School
(Italiano) ScienzAperta2018, incontri con il Pianeta Terra all’INGV
The Training School: “Etna International training school of Geochemistry, science meet practice”
The Training School is going to take place at the “Osservatorio Vulcanologico Pizzi Deneri” on top of Mt. Etna (Italy), from 30 July to 4 August of 2018. The school is addressed to MSc holders, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Its main aim is to bring together the next generation of researchers, active in studies concerning geochemistry, and to introduce them with innovating direct sampling and remote sensing techniques. The Training School is going to keep a low-cost philosophy, providing students with a unique field experience supported by a group of expert teachers in a spectacular volcanic scenery.
Furthermore, it gives young scientists the opportunity to experiment and evaluate new protocols and techniques to be used on volcanic fluid emissions covering a broad variety of methods. The school is organized by researchers of: the INGVs of Catania, Palermo and Bologna; the Universities of Palermo, Florence and Calabria; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and University of Heidelberg; IVAR, University of the Azores.
Application deadline: 29 April 2018 at 12:00 am UTC
Per maggiori dettagli sulla scuola, sul programma, modulo di adesione, crediti è possibile visitare il sito Web:
” Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, 2018. La scienza incontra la pratica “
2nd call - Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, 2018(Italiano) Workshop: “MARE SCUOLA 4.0 – Catania e il suo mare festeggiano la scuola digitale
Seminary: “Understanding and forecasting unrest at fast and slow volcanoes”
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 15:00, at the INGV Palermo, street Ugo La Malfa n.153, it will be held the seminary “UNDERSTANDING AND FORECASTING UNREST AT FAST AND SLOW VOLCANOES”.
Locandina John Stix (1)